Out Of The Pit
Ps.40:1-3 I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire: he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.
Reading the Psalms is always encouraging and comforting for me. I find the humility and honesty of the writers refreshing and challenging, especially David’s writings. These passages help make aware the conditions of the heart and provide clarity in life’s journey.
The words “waited patiently” in the Hebrew mean to bind or twist together, and to expect, to wait upon. To wait patiently is different than just to wait for something or someone. Patiently means that you really don’t have control of timing. I am an impatient person at times. I like the sense of being in control of my life and all outcomes. I am guessing that you can identify with that as well. We feel emotionally better if we know our next step and its timing and outcome.
David writes this Psalm from a place of desperation. He communicates his struggle in the journey and learning to put his trust somewhere besides his own abilities. His trust was in his God! A God who did hear his cry of desperation and helplessness and responded in mercy.
David identifies the place he finds himself in as a pit. Not just a pit or a hole, but a slimy pit at that. Meaning it was an unstable, uncertain and a vulnerable place. It was messy! All of us can identify when the description of our life situation is “messy.” He says nothing of how he got to this state, just that it was a reality. It may have been the result of his poor judgment and choices, or it may be a reality because of someone else’s actions impacting him. Oh, to have the backstory.
This passage points out the fact that David’s cry of desperation was towards His God. He was not asking for another’s assistance. It was just between him and his God. The same God who had proved faithful countless times over the course of his life. He was in a new place of emotional desperation. The tendency for most people is to cry out to someone or something to rescue us. The reality is that there are some things that no one else can provide that we need. What or who are you looking to for your rescue today?
Did you notice the direction of Davids rescue? It was upward, it was ascending not descending. The rescue was not taking a turn in another lateral direction, the direction was upwards. It was delivering.
God’s eyes were focused on David in this pit. God’s love and mercy were in play. Mercy means to assume the need of the one who is to receive it. God stepped in to rescue David, just like He will step in to rescue you. The size and the degree of slime in the pit matters not. Nothing and no person are beyond rescue.
The outcome of the rescue is the stability of having your feet on something unmovable, God himself! He is the only rock that is unmovable. He is the only one who never changes. In him alone is security, nothing and no one else is able to provide that for us.
Not only does God rescue, but deliverance puts a new song in the heart and mouth. It’s not a dirge, it’s not the blues, it’s a new song of celebration and praise because of being set free. When deliverance takes place, you cannot keep your mouth shut. You just have to tell others what God just did for you.
If you are in the place of desperation, your pit is slimy and it appears you are sinking; set your heart, your eyes and your feet on the only one who can truly deliver you, your God! When your heart is set and your eyes are fixed in a specific direction, your feet will follow. Waiting patiently on the Lord requires our unmovable commitment to seek God’s help.
Heb.11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Faith is essentially trusting, leaning on God and hope is the expectation of God’s goodness to shine through no matter the circumstances or intensity of the struggle. We can expect good because God is always good, that’s his nature. Because of his love for you, his hand is extended to deliver you from the pit.
You are loved!
Reading the Psalms is always encouraging and comforting for me. I find the humility and honesty of the writers refreshing and challenging, especially David’s writings. These passages help make aware the conditions of the heart and provide clarity in life’s journey.
The words “waited patiently” in the Hebrew mean to bind or twist together, and to expect, to wait upon. To wait patiently is different than just to wait for something or someone. Patiently means that you really don’t have control of timing. I am an impatient person at times. I like the sense of being in control of my life and all outcomes. I am guessing that you can identify with that as well. We feel emotionally better if we know our next step and its timing and outcome.
David writes this Psalm from a place of desperation. He communicates his struggle in the journey and learning to put his trust somewhere besides his own abilities. His trust was in his God! A God who did hear his cry of desperation and helplessness and responded in mercy.
David identifies the place he finds himself in as a pit. Not just a pit or a hole, but a slimy pit at that. Meaning it was an unstable, uncertain and a vulnerable place. It was messy! All of us can identify when the description of our life situation is “messy.” He says nothing of how he got to this state, just that it was a reality. It may have been the result of his poor judgment and choices, or it may be a reality because of someone else’s actions impacting him. Oh, to have the backstory.
This passage points out the fact that David’s cry of desperation was towards His God. He was not asking for another’s assistance. It was just between him and his God. The same God who had proved faithful countless times over the course of his life. He was in a new place of emotional desperation. The tendency for most people is to cry out to someone or something to rescue us. The reality is that there are some things that no one else can provide that we need. What or who are you looking to for your rescue today?
Did you notice the direction of Davids rescue? It was upward, it was ascending not descending. The rescue was not taking a turn in another lateral direction, the direction was upwards. It was delivering.
God’s eyes were focused on David in this pit. God’s love and mercy were in play. Mercy means to assume the need of the one who is to receive it. God stepped in to rescue David, just like He will step in to rescue you. The size and the degree of slime in the pit matters not. Nothing and no person are beyond rescue.
The outcome of the rescue is the stability of having your feet on something unmovable, God himself! He is the only rock that is unmovable. He is the only one who never changes. In him alone is security, nothing and no one else is able to provide that for us.
Not only does God rescue, but deliverance puts a new song in the heart and mouth. It’s not a dirge, it’s not the blues, it’s a new song of celebration and praise because of being set free. When deliverance takes place, you cannot keep your mouth shut. You just have to tell others what God just did for you.
If you are in the place of desperation, your pit is slimy and it appears you are sinking; set your heart, your eyes and your feet on the only one who can truly deliver you, your God! When your heart is set and your eyes are fixed in a specific direction, your feet will follow. Waiting patiently on the Lord requires our unmovable commitment to seek God’s help.
Heb.11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Faith is essentially trusting, leaning on God and hope is the expectation of God’s goodness to shine through no matter the circumstances or intensity of the struggle. We can expect good because God is always good, that’s his nature. Because of his love for you, his hand is extended to deliver you from the pit.
You are loved!
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