Hope on the Journey
Hope On the Journey
“A bright expectation for tomorrow, “is the definition I am using for the word hope. Hope is an essential and very powerful tool for living life. We unconsciously hope for all kinds of things during our daily life. I.E. going to the grocery store, checking the mailbox, visiting with a friend, planning a day off or a vacation. The list goes on and on. We count on hope every day, like we draw our next breath.
Hope always points to the future and it motivates us to move from where we are presently to something better, or a place where new life is experienced. God created us that way! When a child is born, hope is embraced by all the family and friends. We hope for the good to take place in that baby’s life. We don’t hope for the harm or ill will because we have hope. We imagine what that child will look like as an adult, their personality, what they will do for a living, where their life journey will take them, etc.
The purpose of these devotions is to inspire hope. Hope4today! We have used Bible characters as examples that were hope givers. They were people who experienced and endured very difficult life challenges. They were resilient. They weathered many kinds of painful trials, and yet did not give up. It is said, “Smooth seas never made a skillful sailor.” In fact, the rougher sea we experience, the more we cling to hope. Hope of getting through the storm and hope that we will reach our destiny. We don’t develop hope without trials in storms.
Trials can have a beneficial purpose if we will let them. The apostle Paul writes in Rom.5:1-6 (NIV) Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character hope. And hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. You see, at Just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Consider the sequence and process listed in this passage of scripture. Suffering (pressure, anguish, trouble, persecu/on) leads to Patience (cheerful endurance) Patience leads to Experience (character, trus]ul or proof) Experience leads to Hope (confidence, bright expectation for tomorrow)
If we go through our trials, with the intent to learn and grow, wonderful benefits are found. One of the greatest benefits is maturing our trust and hope in God.
Paul writes in 1 Cor.13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest is love.” Love is the greatest because it is the foundation of hope.
Paul goes on to say in this chapter that love always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Love never fails. Knowing and experiencing love is what helps us get through the storm to the other shore.
God has promised never to leave us or forsake us. That means He is not leaving us, for a short time, or forsaking us permanently. Having a relationship with God, the Father, can encourage you with hope that whatever is happening, you will get through it. He is committed to you! His promises are certain and guaranteed!
Ponder this.... God is Omni (all) present. He is the one who created this world before the concept of time, and He is very aware of everything in our life path. He helped you get through the storms of yesterday. You are still here, aren’t you? You survived! That my friend is a testimony. The truth is that this God of hope is in your present life and in all your tomorrows. In fact, he is wai/ng for you to arrive in your tomorrow. God is good in everything He does. His goodness is pursuing or chasing afer you according to Ps.23:6. You can’t outrun it! God is holding good things for you and not from you! Don’t quit! The storm will pass! After all, that is what weather patterns do. Our responsibility is to not quit and do our very best to cheerfully endure the pressure, anguish and trouble, to learn and grow to become a skillful sailor.
We can endure storms because of God’s grace. Grace is his divine influence on your heart and its reflection will be seen in your life. When we do our best, God’s grace makes up for the rest!
The most important focus in hope is having eternal hope. Our life has many appointments but how is it that we don’t plan for the most guaranteed appointment of all? When we die, we have an appointment with eternity. Where and with whom hope is placed determines our outcome, heaven or hell? Where will you spend eternity?
When you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, you have hope for eternity. Eternity will be spent with your creator, the one you have learned to trust through trials as your anchor in the storm. He is the one who loves you beyond reasoning and all comprehension. His love will keep you and secure you in hope. Maybe, it’s time to turn your eyes from the raging seas and look to The Savior? He is loving, comforting, and caring. He has an incredible plan if you will trust His goodness.
Here is where to find hope.
1. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
2. Ask Him to forgive your sin, he will!
3. Stop what you are doing and turn to Him and ask for help.
4. Invite Him into every area of your life.
Your God knows the kind of storm, the severity of the storm, and the length of the storm. Put your hope in Him. The impact of the storm is determined by the depth of your anchor. You can trust it!
“A bright expectation for tomorrow, “is the definition I am using for the word hope. Hope is an essential and very powerful tool for living life. We unconsciously hope for all kinds of things during our daily life. I.E. going to the grocery store, checking the mailbox, visiting with a friend, planning a day off or a vacation. The list goes on and on. We count on hope every day, like we draw our next breath.
Hope always points to the future and it motivates us to move from where we are presently to something better, or a place where new life is experienced. God created us that way! When a child is born, hope is embraced by all the family and friends. We hope for the good to take place in that baby’s life. We don’t hope for the harm or ill will because we have hope. We imagine what that child will look like as an adult, their personality, what they will do for a living, where their life journey will take them, etc.
The purpose of these devotions is to inspire hope. Hope4today! We have used Bible characters as examples that were hope givers. They were people who experienced and endured very difficult life challenges. They were resilient. They weathered many kinds of painful trials, and yet did not give up. It is said, “Smooth seas never made a skillful sailor.” In fact, the rougher sea we experience, the more we cling to hope. Hope of getting through the storm and hope that we will reach our destiny. We don’t develop hope without trials in storms.
Trials can have a beneficial purpose if we will let them. The apostle Paul writes in Rom.5:1-6 (NIV) Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character hope. And hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. You see, at Just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Consider the sequence and process listed in this passage of scripture. Suffering (pressure, anguish, trouble, persecu/on) leads to Patience (cheerful endurance) Patience leads to Experience (character, trus]ul or proof) Experience leads to Hope (confidence, bright expectation for tomorrow)
If we go through our trials, with the intent to learn and grow, wonderful benefits are found. One of the greatest benefits is maturing our trust and hope in God.
Paul writes in 1 Cor.13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest is love.” Love is the greatest because it is the foundation of hope.
Paul goes on to say in this chapter that love always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Love never fails. Knowing and experiencing love is what helps us get through the storm to the other shore.
God has promised never to leave us or forsake us. That means He is not leaving us, for a short time, or forsaking us permanently. Having a relationship with God, the Father, can encourage you with hope that whatever is happening, you will get through it. He is committed to you! His promises are certain and guaranteed!
Ponder this.... God is Omni (all) present. He is the one who created this world before the concept of time, and He is very aware of everything in our life path. He helped you get through the storms of yesterday. You are still here, aren’t you? You survived! That my friend is a testimony. The truth is that this God of hope is in your present life and in all your tomorrows. In fact, he is wai/ng for you to arrive in your tomorrow. God is good in everything He does. His goodness is pursuing or chasing afer you according to Ps.23:6. You can’t outrun it! God is holding good things for you and not from you! Don’t quit! The storm will pass! After all, that is what weather patterns do. Our responsibility is to not quit and do our very best to cheerfully endure the pressure, anguish and trouble, to learn and grow to become a skillful sailor.
We can endure storms because of God’s grace. Grace is his divine influence on your heart and its reflection will be seen in your life. When we do our best, God’s grace makes up for the rest!
The most important focus in hope is having eternal hope. Our life has many appointments but how is it that we don’t plan for the most guaranteed appointment of all? When we die, we have an appointment with eternity. Where and with whom hope is placed determines our outcome, heaven or hell? Where will you spend eternity?
When you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, you have hope for eternity. Eternity will be spent with your creator, the one you have learned to trust through trials as your anchor in the storm. He is the one who loves you beyond reasoning and all comprehension. His love will keep you and secure you in hope. Maybe, it’s time to turn your eyes from the raging seas and look to The Savior? He is loving, comforting, and caring. He has an incredible plan if you will trust His goodness.
Here is where to find hope.
1. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
2. Ask Him to forgive your sin, he will!
3. Stop what you are doing and turn to Him and ask for help.
4. Invite Him into every area of your life.
Your God knows the kind of storm, the severity of the storm, and the length of the storm. Put your hope in Him. The impact of the storm is determined by the depth of your anchor. You can trust it!
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