Trials and Temptations
Some years ago in Alaska, while driving through a terrible snowstorm at night, I was traveling down a steep grade where my road intersected with another. When arriving at the intersection I intended to make a turn, but there was no response at all from turning the steering wheel. I was sliding out of control toward the outside of the road and just beyond that was a sizable drop off into a frozen swamp below. It seemed that I was picking up speed as I was helplessly careening sideways. Light snow had accumulated on top of ice making this even more treacherous. I had no traction, even though my truck had studded snow tires. As I drifted rapidly towards the road edge, I remember screaming loudly, “JESUS HELP ME!” My hands were white knuckling the steering wheel and my body was rigidly anticipating the upcoming pain. My mind was foretelling the upcoming disaster, and I was certain I was not going to survive this experience. Yes, this was an accident; I did not plan it, nor was I being foolish in my driving. It just happened.
As I was experiencing this slow-motion slide, the truck tires come in to contact with a patch of gravel on the road shoulder. That gravel provided enough friction that the truck came to a stop, overlooking the ground below. Today as I ponder this experience, I am aware that I am a much better driver on treacherous road conditions today. In a way, I am grateful for that trial and others like it. That experience has probably saved my life more times than I can count.
When we experience trials, we often think like I did in my near disaster, “I’m done, life is over, I won’t survive. In these desperate times we silently pray or with great volume cry out for Jesus to save us.
As a reminder to all of us, we don’t control seasons in life, only God controls that. Trials, like weather events, are just going to take place in life. We can prepare and take precautions, but certainly, trials are going to take place. The expert winter drivers in Alaska became qualified drivers by experiencing and observing others sliding out of control. If you are wise, you learn what to do and what to not do in these perilous situations.
James 1:2-3 reads, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” NIV
Another word for faith is trust. The Complete Jewish Bible says it this way, “for you know that the testing of your trust produces perseverance.” Trust is something that is built over time and through experience. As James indicated in this passage, there are trails “of many kinds.” The Greek clarifies this by defining trials as that which we fall into or are all around us. In other words, trials are everywhere and can take place anytime and in any situation. We can’t escape them!
The Greek definition for the word trial is “putting to proof, truth, adversity, and discipline.” Not many people want to sign up for this experience, I know I don’t. Trials and adversities are used by God, and they are not intended to break or crush us, but rather to shape us. I am reminded of Isiah 42:3 “A bruised reed he will not break and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.” God loves you very much and he is in the restoring business, not in the destroying business.
If we respond correctly while experiencing trials, a great benefit is derived and the lessons learned will strengthen us for our journey ahead. In many ways, our future success is achieved by possessing correct responses in present trials.
When experiencing trials, we are so tempted to find an escape, anything to remove us from discomfort or a path of pain. Commonly, in this state, we forget the goodness of God that we have witnessed many times in our life. We forget all the near disasters in our past.
Trials may also have a feeling of being terminal. We have thoughts like, “I will not survive what I am going through,” and “no one else has gone through what I am going through,” which we know is really not true, but it certainly feels like it is.
Ps.23 provides the example of the sheep following the Great Shepherd through the Valley of the shadow of death. Yes, he led them through the dark valleys of death that felt like their world was coming to an end, but they overcame their fears and pain in the course of the journey. The end of this story was a glorious table set before them in the presence of their enemies. God’s goodness and love was experienced as never before.
The writer of Ps.106 remunerates Israel’s story of giving into temptation when encountering times of testing, in spite of the miracles that God had performed on their behalf. Vs. 9-15 “He rebuked the red Sea, and it dried up; he led them through the depths as through a desert. He saved them from the hand of the foe; from the hand of the enemy, he redeemed them. The waters covered their adversaries; not one of them survived. They believed his promises and sang his praise. But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold. In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wilderness they put God to the test.” NIV
Note Israel’s process of shrinking back in this passage.
They believed God.
They soon forgot God and his miracles on their behalf.
They did not wait for his plan to unfold.
They gave into sinful cravings for the forbidden.
They put God to the test and demanded of him instead of being grateful.
Whatever trials or temptations you may be facing, consider this:
Believe God.
Remember God’s faithfulness in the past.
Wait for God’s plan to come about.
4. Don’t give into temptation to run or self-medicate.
5. Do not put God to the test, trust him and be grateful in all circumstances.
1 Thess.5:18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
You can and will survive your trial. You can and will overcome this temptation and not take matters into your own hands. You can and will overcome and one day, you will impart hope to others encountering their trials and temptations. You can and will share your proven, tested driving skills.
You are loved!
As I was experiencing this slow-motion slide, the truck tires come in to contact with a patch of gravel on the road shoulder. That gravel provided enough friction that the truck came to a stop, overlooking the ground below. Today as I ponder this experience, I am aware that I am a much better driver on treacherous road conditions today. In a way, I am grateful for that trial and others like it. That experience has probably saved my life more times than I can count.
When we experience trials, we often think like I did in my near disaster, “I’m done, life is over, I won’t survive. In these desperate times we silently pray or with great volume cry out for Jesus to save us.
As a reminder to all of us, we don’t control seasons in life, only God controls that. Trials, like weather events, are just going to take place in life. We can prepare and take precautions, but certainly, trials are going to take place. The expert winter drivers in Alaska became qualified drivers by experiencing and observing others sliding out of control. If you are wise, you learn what to do and what to not do in these perilous situations.
James 1:2-3 reads, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” NIV
Another word for faith is trust. The Complete Jewish Bible says it this way, “for you know that the testing of your trust produces perseverance.” Trust is something that is built over time and through experience. As James indicated in this passage, there are trails “of many kinds.” The Greek clarifies this by defining trials as that which we fall into or are all around us. In other words, trials are everywhere and can take place anytime and in any situation. We can’t escape them!
The Greek definition for the word trial is “putting to proof, truth, adversity, and discipline.” Not many people want to sign up for this experience, I know I don’t. Trials and adversities are used by God, and they are not intended to break or crush us, but rather to shape us. I am reminded of Isiah 42:3 “A bruised reed he will not break and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.” God loves you very much and he is in the restoring business, not in the destroying business.
If we respond correctly while experiencing trials, a great benefit is derived and the lessons learned will strengthen us for our journey ahead. In many ways, our future success is achieved by possessing correct responses in present trials.
When experiencing trials, we are so tempted to find an escape, anything to remove us from discomfort or a path of pain. Commonly, in this state, we forget the goodness of God that we have witnessed many times in our life. We forget all the near disasters in our past.
Trials may also have a feeling of being terminal. We have thoughts like, “I will not survive what I am going through,” and “no one else has gone through what I am going through,” which we know is really not true, but it certainly feels like it is.
Ps.23 provides the example of the sheep following the Great Shepherd through the Valley of the shadow of death. Yes, he led them through the dark valleys of death that felt like their world was coming to an end, but they overcame their fears and pain in the course of the journey. The end of this story was a glorious table set before them in the presence of their enemies. God’s goodness and love was experienced as never before.
The writer of Ps.106 remunerates Israel’s story of giving into temptation when encountering times of testing, in spite of the miracles that God had performed on their behalf. Vs. 9-15 “He rebuked the red Sea, and it dried up; he led them through the depths as through a desert. He saved them from the hand of the foe; from the hand of the enemy, he redeemed them. The waters covered their adversaries; not one of them survived. They believed his promises and sang his praise. But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold. In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wilderness they put God to the test.” NIV
Note Israel’s process of shrinking back in this passage.
They believed God.
They soon forgot God and his miracles on their behalf.
They did not wait for his plan to unfold.
They gave into sinful cravings for the forbidden.
They put God to the test and demanded of him instead of being grateful.
Whatever trials or temptations you may be facing, consider this:
Believe God.
Remember God’s faithfulness in the past.
Wait for God’s plan to come about.
4. Don’t give into temptation to run or self-medicate.
5. Do not put God to the test, trust him and be grateful in all circumstances.
1 Thess.5:18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
You can and will survive your trial. You can and will overcome this temptation and not take matters into your own hands. You can and will overcome and one day, you will impart hope to others encountering their trials and temptations. You can and will share your proven, tested driving skills.
You are loved!
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