In last week’s devotional, “Something Better,” I pointed out that God is holding blessings before us. In fact, God is taking you places your resume doesn’t qualify you for.
This week, I am focusing on the responsibility man has in obtaining the “Something Better.” This responsibility is called faithfulness.
When the word “faith” is used it is often in the context of miraculous activity, which is accurate. Faith does activate miracles. Another facet of faith is faithfulness. Faith is assurance, a firm persuasion or profession. Faithfulness is a vehicle that carries faith, they work together.
In the Bible, Hebrews 11 is referred to as the “faith” chapter. The testimonies of many faith filled patriarchs are identified in this chapter. The people mentioned believed God, and their faith was seen through their conviction in the faithful pursuit of God’s promises. Against all odds, they stayed the course. Without physically seeing the promises, they faithfully moved forward with the hope of what was promised. God’s promise of something better inspired them to be faithful despite unfathomable persecution and obstacles to overcome. These patriarchs were faithful in their faith. It is one thing to say we have faith; it is quite another to live faithfully in our faith.
Often our challenge is found in the space between the giving of a promise and apprehending a promise. To apprehend a promise, one must endure faithfully. Yes, I did say endure. Endurance, resilience and commitment are vital to acts of faith. Faithful endurance is what the patriarchs were noted for. This kind of enduring faith earned them the accolade, “The world was not worthy of them.” Heb.11:38. These people counted God as being faithful, they added their faithfulness to His promise of “something better.” God is taking every follower from something to something because He is a God of purpose, something set forward with deliberate intent. Something better!
The Latin word, liminal, is defined as the space between the “what was” and the “what will be.” Liminal space is the threshold of a doorway. You must step over it to enter a new state or place. Liminal defines the place of transition and provides a place for metamorphose to take place. It is where spiritual construction takes place for the follower of Christ. What you use to be you will not be anymore. If we allow God to work his purposes in the liminal place, we can and will experience transformational change or metamorphose. We will never be the same again.
There are no short cuts in this process of transformation. A person’s faith is enlarged in the liminal space if we will allow the construction process and do not avoid it or run away. The decision and act to not avoid or flee is applying faithfulness.
When examining the activities of the patriarchs in Heb.11:34 it is said, “their weaknesses were turned to strength.” That was so because they chose to be faithful. They did not faint or give in despite their wearisome challenges and obstacles. If you are exhausted from the battle and you are tempted to raise a flag in defeat, please do not. God has planned something better for you!
In exhausting battles, we are tempted to fall back to our own efforts. We stop trusting in God’s strength and try our best to muster our own. Faithfulness is not mustering your own strength. Faithfulness is fully trusting God to bring His promises to pass.
Ps.106 presents a great picture of the Children of Israel’s struggle in being faithful. This chapter recounts their deliverance from Egypt and the challenge to be faithful on the journey.
1. They believed God initially and praised Him. Vs.1-5
2. They soon forgot Gods faithfulness and took matters into their own hands and rebelled. Vs.6-8
3. God extended mercy to them. Vs.8-12
4. They soon forgot His goodness and did not wait for Gos plan to unfold.Vs.13
5. They gave into their cravings. Vs.13
6. They put God to the test. Vs.14
7. They grumbled against God instead of being grateful. Vs.24-25
Finally, God gave them over to do what they kept returning to. They missed out on Gods better and His best! These people had faith initially, then their faithfulness dropped off because it was a tough journey. Out of weariness in the journey, they stopped being faithful.
Faithfulness is all about the condition of our hearts. Doing frequent heart checks will spare us from the grief of missing God’s better and best. Paying attention to our attitudes, repenting from allowing unhealthy thought processes will take you through liminal spaces to possess God’s promises.
The Israelites story is addressed again by Paul in 1 Cor. 10:11-13. These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
God is faithful! As Paul said in 2 Cor. 12:8, grace is present to enable you to be faithful and His grace is sufficient to meet any wearisome trial.
There are eight things you can do to help you as you practice faithfulness.
1. Cry out to God with sincerity of heart. He knows your situation better than you do. Cry out in humility, desperation, and vulnerably.
2. Repent (stop and turn towards Him) for not trusting his ways/plan.
3. Fix your eyes on the Lord. He is faithful and will enable you to be faithful.
4. Recommit to His purpose.
5. Keep your priorities in order.
6. Worship – When we worship, we are aligning our heart with His heart, and we can see l like He sees. There is nothing impossible for Him.
7. Be grateful/thankful. Gratitude removes us away from a self-pity.
8. Post yourself with faith filled and faithful people. We all need those around who can encourage, not discourage. People who will tell us the truth.
Apprehending “Something Better” requires faithfulness!
This week, I am focusing on the responsibility man has in obtaining the “Something Better.” This responsibility is called faithfulness.
When the word “faith” is used it is often in the context of miraculous activity, which is accurate. Faith does activate miracles. Another facet of faith is faithfulness. Faith is assurance, a firm persuasion or profession. Faithfulness is a vehicle that carries faith, they work together.
In the Bible, Hebrews 11 is referred to as the “faith” chapter. The testimonies of many faith filled patriarchs are identified in this chapter. The people mentioned believed God, and their faith was seen through their conviction in the faithful pursuit of God’s promises. Against all odds, they stayed the course. Without physically seeing the promises, they faithfully moved forward with the hope of what was promised. God’s promise of something better inspired them to be faithful despite unfathomable persecution and obstacles to overcome. These patriarchs were faithful in their faith. It is one thing to say we have faith; it is quite another to live faithfully in our faith.
Often our challenge is found in the space between the giving of a promise and apprehending a promise. To apprehend a promise, one must endure faithfully. Yes, I did say endure. Endurance, resilience and commitment are vital to acts of faith. Faithful endurance is what the patriarchs were noted for. This kind of enduring faith earned them the accolade, “The world was not worthy of them.” Heb.11:38. These people counted God as being faithful, they added their faithfulness to His promise of “something better.” God is taking every follower from something to something because He is a God of purpose, something set forward with deliberate intent. Something better!
The Latin word, liminal, is defined as the space between the “what was” and the “what will be.” Liminal space is the threshold of a doorway. You must step over it to enter a new state or place. Liminal defines the place of transition and provides a place for metamorphose to take place. It is where spiritual construction takes place for the follower of Christ. What you use to be you will not be anymore. If we allow God to work his purposes in the liminal place, we can and will experience transformational change or metamorphose. We will never be the same again.
There are no short cuts in this process of transformation. A person’s faith is enlarged in the liminal space if we will allow the construction process and do not avoid it or run away. The decision and act to not avoid or flee is applying faithfulness.
When examining the activities of the patriarchs in Heb.11:34 it is said, “their weaknesses were turned to strength.” That was so because they chose to be faithful. They did not faint or give in despite their wearisome challenges and obstacles. If you are exhausted from the battle and you are tempted to raise a flag in defeat, please do not. God has planned something better for you!
In exhausting battles, we are tempted to fall back to our own efforts. We stop trusting in God’s strength and try our best to muster our own. Faithfulness is not mustering your own strength. Faithfulness is fully trusting God to bring His promises to pass.
Ps.106 presents a great picture of the Children of Israel’s struggle in being faithful. This chapter recounts their deliverance from Egypt and the challenge to be faithful on the journey.
1. They believed God initially and praised Him. Vs.1-5
2. They soon forgot Gods faithfulness and took matters into their own hands and rebelled. Vs.6-8
3. God extended mercy to them. Vs.8-12
4. They soon forgot His goodness and did not wait for Gos plan to unfold.Vs.13
5. They gave into their cravings. Vs.13
6. They put God to the test. Vs.14
7. They grumbled against God instead of being grateful. Vs.24-25
Finally, God gave them over to do what they kept returning to. They missed out on Gods better and His best! These people had faith initially, then their faithfulness dropped off because it was a tough journey. Out of weariness in the journey, they stopped being faithful.
Faithfulness is all about the condition of our hearts. Doing frequent heart checks will spare us from the grief of missing God’s better and best. Paying attention to our attitudes, repenting from allowing unhealthy thought processes will take you through liminal spaces to possess God’s promises.
The Israelites story is addressed again by Paul in 1 Cor. 10:11-13. These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
God is faithful! As Paul said in 2 Cor. 12:8, grace is present to enable you to be faithful and His grace is sufficient to meet any wearisome trial.
There are eight things you can do to help you as you practice faithfulness.
1. Cry out to God with sincerity of heart. He knows your situation better than you do. Cry out in humility, desperation, and vulnerably.
2. Repent (stop and turn towards Him) for not trusting his ways/plan.
3. Fix your eyes on the Lord. He is faithful and will enable you to be faithful.
4. Recommit to His purpose.
5. Keep your priorities in order.
6. Worship – When we worship, we are aligning our heart with His heart, and we can see l like He sees. There is nothing impossible for Him.
7. Be grateful/thankful. Gratitude removes us away from a self-pity.
8. Post yourself with faith filled and faithful people. We all need those around who can encourage, not discourage. People who will tell us the truth.
Apprehending “Something Better” requires faithfulness!
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