A Slow Dance with Jesus
What does a slow dance symbolize? “It creates intimate moments. Slow dancing creates a space where partners can connect on a deeper level, forging bonds that extend beyond the physical realm. As dancers move harmoniously to the music, they synchronize their breath, heartbeat, and movements, attuning themselves to each other's presence.”
Heaven’s scene upon arrival: I was immediately immersed in the grandeur and awe radiating from the presence of Almighty God. The air from the atmosphere I breathed, I have never experienced on earth. The best overall English word I can use in identifying this place and its experience is “humility.” This atmosphere existed because it was God’s dwelling place, it was his home. This place was saturated with love, tenderness, and honor. There was zero existence of any human ambition or ego, only deep humility laced with reverence filled the atmosphere.
Music was playing, but it wasn’t like just listening to music with our ears enjoying a particular genre, lyrics or rhythm. This true worship music was embedded into every atom of my being. The lyrics, rhythm and beat were resonant inside of me. Yes, there was elevated volume, but not in the way we have experienced decibels. This worship filled and dominated every particle of heaven’s ballroom.
I was not an observer. I was a full-fledged participant in this celebration of love and life. I had the very distinct feeling that this was the norm of Heaven, not a special event that one would experience on occasion. It was normal life in my Father’s home.
I found myself swept up in a very tender slow dance very similar to a 6/8 rhythm. The gentle sway to the music was slow and purposeful. I held his hand gently as he kindly and tenderly embraced mine. Though I was dancing with who I think was Jesus, I am not positive. It may have been one of the heavenly hosts, I do not know. What I do know is that this event in my life would set a new course heading for me for the rest of my life.
The celebration area was filled with scores of people, beyond number. It was similar to a ballroom party with everyone cheerfully visiting with each other. Lots of laugher and excitement. What about? I do not know. What I do know is I have never seen this kind of joy in communion on earth. There was such rest, peace, joy and contentment. The volume was elevated but it was not at all a distraction to the fellowship shared.
I note in recalling this encounter with my Heavenly Father that there was no thought regarding the past, its disappointments, failures and sins. There was no regret, there was no thought of if I could live my life over again, what I would do different. There was no crying, no sadness, or remorse. Only God’s pure holy presence.
While I was suspended in the heavens, I turned my head to the right. Immediately I was in view of the entire planet earth. My vista was not just geography, but I could see and experience the futility of all earth’s daily challenges and efforts, both globally and personally. One scenario of problems and challenges after another scrolled and played out in front of my eyes. It was my entire vista. My heart was overwhelmed with grief knowing the outcomes of the efforts given to just exist in earth’s realm concluded with no hope. The only words I could think of to describe this was, “it’s all so silly.” The wisdom of man at its finest was utterly worthless. Political realities in conflict; the struggle with the global and local church trying to live as a bride. Life as we know it was so lost. Well-intentioned people were desperately groping for a life-saving ring as one would if drowning in water.
When my head turned to the left, I was immediately back in the ballroom, experiencing the opposite of what I saw on earth. The ballroom was filled with value, honor and joy. Unkind thoughts and actions or the temptation to exercise them was nowhere to be found. Those things were present in the kingdom of earth.
The prayer of Jesus that is to be modeled was and still is: Mt.6:9-10 “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
For this experience to be a continued reality in my life and yours, we have to make time to enjoy slow dancing with Jesus. Meaning, making the time throughout every day to be quiet, to participate in worship and close off the world around you. Listen for His tender whispers of love, encouragement and instruction. Let the words of scripture leap off the page for you to embrace. Let your Heavenly Father pull you near and calm your anxiety ridden heart. He does have a plan for you because He created you with His plan in mind before the foundation of this world.
For those struggling with Father issues, be of good comfort because your Heavenly Father has placed before you the perfect model to imitate. We cannot be the fathers we desire to be with only our earthly examples. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.
For those who have never experienced life with an earthly father present, your Heavenly Father desires to pull you up close, to hold you tight and reassure you that “it’s okay, I have you. I will guide you and protect you along the journey of my purpose. Your sins have been covered by my love.”
The bond that is formed between you and your Savior will transform you and set you on a course of experiencing love like you have never imagined possible.
It’s time for a slow dance with your Heavenly Father because you are loved!
Heaven’s scene upon arrival: I was immediately immersed in the grandeur and awe radiating from the presence of Almighty God. The air from the atmosphere I breathed, I have never experienced on earth. The best overall English word I can use in identifying this place and its experience is “humility.” This atmosphere existed because it was God’s dwelling place, it was his home. This place was saturated with love, tenderness, and honor. There was zero existence of any human ambition or ego, only deep humility laced with reverence filled the atmosphere.
Music was playing, but it wasn’t like just listening to music with our ears enjoying a particular genre, lyrics or rhythm. This true worship music was embedded into every atom of my being. The lyrics, rhythm and beat were resonant inside of me. Yes, there was elevated volume, but not in the way we have experienced decibels. This worship filled and dominated every particle of heaven’s ballroom.
I was not an observer. I was a full-fledged participant in this celebration of love and life. I had the very distinct feeling that this was the norm of Heaven, not a special event that one would experience on occasion. It was normal life in my Father’s home.
I found myself swept up in a very tender slow dance very similar to a 6/8 rhythm. The gentle sway to the music was slow and purposeful. I held his hand gently as he kindly and tenderly embraced mine. Though I was dancing with who I think was Jesus, I am not positive. It may have been one of the heavenly hosts, I do not know. What I do know is that this event in my life would set a new course heading for me for the rest of my life.
The celebration area was filled with scores of people, beyond number. It was similar to a ballroom party with everyone cheerfully visiting with each other. Lots of laugher and excitement. What about? I do not know. What I do know is I have never seen this kind of joy in communion on earth. There was such rest, peace, joy and contentment. The volume was elevated but it was not at all a distraction to the fellowship shared.
I note in recalling this encounter with my Heavenly Father that there was no thought regarding the past, its disappointments, failures and sins. There was no regret, there was no thought of if I could live my life over again, what I would do different. There was no crying, no sadness, or remorse. Only God’s pure holy presence.
While I was suspended in the heavens, I turned my head to the right. Immediately I was in view of the entire planet earth. My vista was not just geography, but I could see and experience the futility of all earth’s daily challenges and efforts, both globally and personally. One scenario of problems and challenges after another scrolled and played out in front of my eyes. It was my entire vista. My heart was overwhelmed with grief knowing the outcomes of the efforts given to just exist in earth’s realm concluded with no hope. The only words I could think of to describe this was, “it’s all so silly.” The wisdom of man at its finest was utterly worthless. Political realities in conflict; the struggle with the global and local church trying to live as a bride. Life as we know it was so lost. Well-intentioned people were desperately groping for a life-saving ring as one would if drowning in water.
When my head turned to the left, I was immediately back in the ballroom, experiencing the opposite of what I saw on earth. The ballroom was filled with value, honor and joy. Unkind thoughts and actions or the temptation to exercise them was nowhere to be found. Those things were present in the kingdom of earth.
The prayer of Jesus that is to be modeled was and still is: Mt.6:9-10 “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
For this experience to be a continued reality in my life and yours, we have to make time to enjoy slow dancing with Jesus. Meaning, making the time throughout every day to be quiet, to participate in worship and close off the world around you. Listen for His tender whispers of love, encouragement and instruction. Let the words of scripture leap off the page for you to embrace. Let your Heavenly Father pull you near and calm your anxiety ridden heart. He does have a plan for you because He created you with His plan in mind before the foundation of this world.
For those struggling with Father issues, be of good comfort because your Heavenly Father has placed before you the perfect model to imitate. We cannot be the fathers we desire to be with only our earthly examples. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.
For those who have never experienced life with an earthly father present, your Heavenly Father desires to pull you up close, to hold you tight and reassure you that “it’s okay, I have you. I will guide you and protect you along the journey of my purpose. Your sins have been covered by my love.”
The bond that is formed between you and your Savior will transform you and set you on a course of experiencing love like you have never imagined possible.
It’s time for a slow dance with your Heavenly Father because you are loved!
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