Your Light and Salvation

Ps.27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?

Fear has an amazing impact on our life. When it finds entrance into our minds it seems that everything we know to be true goes into hiding.

Some years ago, I was deeply troubled about a situation in someone else’s life, facing what appeared to be a disaster. I had been praying fervently for them for several days.

One morning while I was praying for them, I felt the Lord say turn to Ps.27:1. I had read this passage more times than I could count, and the Holy Spirit does not normally give me a verse address out of the blue. I picked up my Bible and read the verse. I pondered it for a time and then I was captivated by these thoughts.

The word Lord means controller. God is in control whether we see it or not. He never sleeps or slumbers. He is not in the heavens wringing his hands with anxiety over our situation. He is not having conversation with the Holy Spirit trying to find a solution to the challenge we are facing. No, He is in control all of the time!

He is the light, and not a dim light either. Through his word, he promises to be a light to our path. Even when the path in front of us is lit, we manage to wander off of it into the pucker brush and wonder, how did we get here?

It is in those times when salvation enters the picture. Just because you have strayed from the path does not mean that you are lost. It means you are off the path. You can get right back on the path. God promises to never leave you (for a short time) or forsake you (permanently). He is with you. He is also your salvation. The word salvation basically means deliverance. He is your deliverer!

Your Heavenly Father knows that all his children are capable of taking unnecessary walkabouts, away from where they know they should be walking. His grace (undeserved favor) is always present to help when we need it.

Your Father is assuring you that He is the stronghold of your life when you have succumbed to temptation, when you have listened to the voice of the deceiver Satan.

The word stronghold is a fortress, a defense, and a rock higher than you so you can see reality. Your God is an impenetrable fortress. Of whom or of what should we be afraid?

God has been faithful to you in the past. You are still here to testify about it. He is faithful today to deal with what is overwhelming your heart and he will be faithful certainly tomorrow when other temptations come to entice you to take a walkabout.

Your Father is your light and your salvation, of whom or what should you be afraid?

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