Ps 107 Reflections Final
Ps.107:1 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story – those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from the east and west, from the north and south.” (NIV)
David uses this chapter of Psalms to encapsulate Israel’s story of God’s redemption with specific detail. His purpose was to make the Lord’s works known to man. This chapter is filled with what I would call, “Altars of Remembrance.” By that, I mean that Israel was instructed by the Lord to build an altar constructed of stones when they witnessed God’s miraculous deliverance from their enemies. These altars always spoke of God’s grace, His mercy and His goodness. When encountering these altars of stone, instruction was given to tell God’s redemptive story, His mighty hand of deliverance on Israel’s behalf. Tell the story to the next generation. Telling the story bolstered faith and reinforced the fact that nothing is impossible with God.
“Redemption is a foundational word used in the scriptures regarding salvation. It is a covenantal legal term closely associated with ransom, atonement, substitution, and deliverance, thus salvation. Theologically, redemption refers ultimately to the saving work of Christ, who came to accomplish our redemption by giving his life in substitution for our own as the ransom price.”
Duet.15:15 “Remember that you were slaves in Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you.”
Gal.3:13 “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole. He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.”
The Complete Jewish Study Bible reads Ps. 107:1 Give thanks to Adonai; for he is good, for his grace continues forever. Vs. 8 “Let them give thanks to Adonai for his grace, for his wonders bestowed on humanity.” This verse is repeated four times throughout the remainder of this chapter, highlighting its importance.
The very concept of redemption is always about someone else’s action towards another. Mankind has not had or ever will have the ability to redeem themselves. Redemption is not about you or me; it is about our redeemer, Jesus! The act of redemption is all about paying the price that the recipient has no ability to pay. Redemption is about God’s goodness, His mercy and His grace (favor). Redemption is a gift, and it is laced with grace or favor, God’s favor, because He loves you and He is good! Redemption is a covenant promise that God sets in place. He will be faithful to do his part, He cannot be unfaithful in redeeming you and me. He will not abandon us to Satan’s destructive plan. He will complete the redemption process of freedom, freedom from sin and all its shame.
When one is redeemed they are trading their condemned existence for life as God has life. Jn.10:10 “The thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure.” (CJSB)
Redemption always has purpose. Purpose means to set something forward with deliberate intent. We were purchased to experience deliverance from sin’s hold and penalty. We were redeemed from something to something, death to life!
God knows what He put inside of you. He knows your value. When redeemed, you can be everything He designed you to be and delivers great hope and joy. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story!
When we reflect on our life journey, we can all remember those times when we thought we would not survive the terrible situations we experienced. Your redeemer was faithful to you. You lived through it to tell the story of His power and might, his deliverance from your foe.
Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story. Your story is really your Redeemer’s story. Loudly declare the mercy extended to you, mercy that you could not earn and certainly did not deserve. Tell it! Tell what God rescued you from and the bright expectation you hold in your heart for the future, all because of his unfailing love for you.
Jesus, The Redeemer, purchased me and you from the slave auction block. He purchased the freedom from all our sins and has placed a glorious destiny to embrace. Your past failures do not define who you are. You are a loved and redeemed child of Almighty God.
My prayer for you is to give thanks, because your redeemer has been and is still good to you. Reflect on his goodness and declare it at every opportunity. Let the Redeemed tell their story!
You are loved and you have a story to tell!
David uses this chapter of Psalms to encapsulate Israel’s story of God’s redemption with specific detail. His purpose was to make the Lord’s works known to man. This chapter is filled with what I would call, “Altars of Remembrance.” By that, I mean that Israel was instructed by the Lord to build an altar constructed of stones when they witnessed God’s miraculous deliverance from their enemies. These altars always spoke of God’s grace, His mercy and His goodness. When encountering these altars of stone, instruction was given to tell God’s redemptive story, His mighty hand of deliverance on Israel’s behalf. Tell the story to the next generation. Telling the story bolstered faith and reinforced the fact that nothing is impossible with God.
“Redemption is a foundational word used in the scriptures regarding salvation. It is a covenantal legal term closely associated with ransom, atonement, substitution, and deliverance, thus salvation. Theologically, redemption refers ultimately to the saving work of Christ, who came to accomplish our redemption by giving his life in substitution for our own as the ransom price.”
Duet.15:15 “Remember that you were slaves in Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you.”
Gal.3:13 “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole. He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.”
The Complete Jewish Study Bible reads Ps. 107:1 Give thanks to Adonai; for he is good, for his grace continues forever. Vs. 8 “Let them give thanks to Adonai for his grace, for his wonders bestowed on humanity.” This verse is repeated four times throughout the remainder of this chapter, highlighting its importance.
The very concept of redemption is always about someone else’s action towards another. Mankind has not had or ever will have the ability to redeem themselves. Redemption is not about you or me; it is about our redeemer, Jesus! The act of redemption is all about paying the price that the recipient has no ability to pay. Redemption is about God’s goodness, His mercy and His grace (favor). Redemption is a gift, and it is laced with grace or favor, God’s favor, because He loves you and He is good! Redemption is a covenant promise that God sets in place. He will be faithful to do his part, He cannot be unfaithful in redeeming you and me. He will not abandon us to Satan’s destructive plan. He will complete the redemption process of freedom, freedom from sin and all its shame.
When one is redeemed they are trading their condemned existence for life as God has life. Jn.10:10 “The thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure.” (CJSB)
Redemption always has purpose. Purpose means to set something forward with deliberate intent. We were purchased to experience deliverance from sin’s hold and penalty. We were redeemed from something to something, death to life!
God knows what He put inside of you. He knows your value. When redeemed, you can be everything He designed you to be and delivers great hope and joy. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story!
When we reflect on our life journey, we can all remember those times when we thought we would not survive the terrible situations we experienced. Your redeemer was faithful to you. You lived through it to tell the story of His power and might, his deliverance from your foe.
Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story. Your story is really your Redeemer’s story. Loudly declare the mercy extended to you, mercy that you could not earn and certainly did not deserve. Tell it! Tell what God rescued you from and the bright expectation you hold in your heart for the future, all because of his unfailing love for you.
Jesus, The Redeemer, purchased me and you from the slave auction block. He purchased the freedom from all our sins and has placed a glorious destiny to embrace. Your past failures do not define who you are. You are a loved and redeemed child of Almighty God.
My prayer for you is to give thanks, because your redeemer has been and is still good to you. Reflect on his goodness and declare it at every opportunity. Let the Redeemed tell their story!
You are loved and you have a story to tell!
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