Perservering Faith
Jas.1:2-8 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”
James, the brother of Jesus, was the senior leader of the Church in Jerusalem. He wrote this letter which would be read in small home gatherings throughout that region. At the time of this writing, the saints were experiencing serious persecution and poverty. James’s encouragement to them was to be strong. He reassured them that they were going to make it through the adversarial times. He wasn’t trying to be a cheerleader to make them feel better, his sincere instructions were given to encourage the saints, to give hope and most of all to help them navigate the difficult seasons of life.
James emphasizes the importance of faith and works working in tandem. He speaks more to this subject in chapter two. It is one thing for a follower of Christ to say they believe but it is quite another to have actions that confirm their belief. An unbelieving world without Christ is looking for integrity and authentic faith in Christ’s followers. The root word for integrity comes from the word integer, meaning, the equal sum of all the parts. In other words, faith should be evidenced in all aspects of a person’s life.
We all need wisdom, and adversity provides the opportunity to gain wisdom because adversity is usually messy, and wisdom is needed in how to navigate through it. Wisdom provides the clarity and depth of insight which allows one to find their way when vision is clouded, and we are confused or perplexed.
God promises to give you that wisdom generously when asked for, and He will never chastise you for asking. Your Heavenly Father is good! He does not play games with you or just let you wander around in the dark looking for a light switch. He wants to show you what to do and which way to turn. When you ask, expect wisdom to come your way. Wisdom can come through the scriptures, leaders you trust, testimonies, a trusted friends counsel, through prayer, and revelation from The God of all wisdom.
It is difficult to persevere cheerfully through trials as James admonishes, but obviously it can be done. That joy and peace are present when our tormented hearts have given our cares to the God of all peace, Jesus. James’ instructive words were providing tools for the saints in how to weather the storms of life. He knew the secret to overcoming in these difficult seasons was to possess an anchored, unmovable faith. One that the owner and everyone around them could see in action.
We often base our faith on something or someone else instead of God. If we do that, we will certainly be disappointed and maybe disillusioned. A person cannot be disillusioned if an illusion has not been embraced in the first place. Anchor your faith where there is no possibility of disillusionment. Anchor your faith in God, plus nothing!
God never tests us so he can see what we are made of, He already knows that. He tests us so we can see what we are made of. Trials, sufferings, and life’s adversities can shape our character if we let them, and confident faith is gained through persevering in the shaping process. After all, a calm sea has never made a skilled and resilient sailor.
My encouragement today is, do not run from the trials you are facing, no matter the size or type. Set your gaze on the one who never changes, the one who never falters or sleeps. Your loving Heavenly Father. If you persevere with a responsive and teachable heart through this pressured time you will be richly rewarded. One day you will tell the story of God’s goodness, mercy and faithfulness when you were not particularly a person of faith.
Heb.11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
The reward comes from seeking God, not inventing our own solutions for the issues we face. Allow perseverance to complete its important work in your life and be grateful for the process.
Beware of Satan’s lies which are intended to distract or rob you of the blessings God is holding for you, and not from you. Don’t quake, waiver, or shutter with fear because of Satan’s lies. Satan says, “God is nowhere near you,” “he has left you on your own to find your own solution.” Another tactic in Satan’s arsenal is to remind you of your past sins and failures. Everyone has them. Satan’s only goal is to steal, kill and destroy. He is a thief not a giver of hope. He is a discourager, not an encourager. Don’t take the bait to embrace his lies and don’t allow yourself to wallow in self-pity. Your loving Heavenly Father would never say things that shame or tempt you to shrink back from trusting his goodness, grace and power extended toward you.
The instruction James gives is to believe. Make the choice today to put your confidence in God. He is more than able to provide a way for you, and he is powerful enough to conquer any threatening foe you face. God’s grace will carry you through this brief and temporary challenge. Don’t quit, God’s grace will carry you through what you do not have the ability to do. You are loved!
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