Ps 107 Reflections I
Ps. 107:1-9 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story – those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from the east and west, from north and south. Some wandered in desert wastelands, finding no way to a city where they could settle. They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away. Then They cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”
This Psalm is packed with so many treasures regarding the journey of the Children of Israel and most importantly about the character of their loving God. The first verse captures the deep truth about who God is. He is good and his love endures forever.
It is sad to confess that for many decades in following Jesus and being a spiritual leader, I did not grasp the magnitude and depth of the goodness of God. I understood it intellectually and some experientially, but now having had my painful but redemptive journey, like Israel, I understand my Heavenly Father’s goodness as never before. It is true, sometimes you do not know how much you have until you are missing it.
So many followers of Christ that I know live in a place of relational poverty with their Heavenly Father. Not really knowing your Heavenly Father has great impact on knowing where you came from, who you are, and where you are going. This foundational truth is so essential to being rooted in love, peace and purpose. How can we give to others what we have not experienced? If one does not experience the peace and comfort God provides, how can it be modeled to a world of utter chaos? If one does not experience God’s loving purpose, life is riddled with discontentment and continual searching takes place. Who wants that?
The journey for relationship with a father can be very hard, maybe tortuous. Imagine a child old enough to understand what love looks like but not able to experience it. They are always on the outside looking in. It is like standing outside of a store window display; you know that you need what you see but you can’t actually possess it. It is one thing to know about your Heavenly Father’s goodness, it is another to experience it. He so wants you to know all who he is and all about his goodness.
My walk with God was radically altered when God allowed me to see, in my mind, a live video feed from him to me. I was in a place of great emotional stress battling some life challenges, when all of a sudden, I saw a picture of a father pulling his small son to himself with such love, gentleness and strength. The boy was crying because his world, as he knew it, was crashing. As the father gently drew him near and carefully wrapped his arms around him to held him close, he whispered in his ear, “it’s okay, it’s okay, you are going to be just fine.” As the young child heard those words and felt the tender and loving embrace of his father, his sobbing ceased, and peace took its place. He was finally at rest and content.
Your Heavenly Father wants to show you what a real father’s love is. This does not to imply that you did not have a good earthly father. Even if have had or do have one, God’s love is nothing compared to your Heavenly Father’s perfect love.
When we have wandered in desert wastelands and have no place to settle, God is reaching out his hand to lead you straight to a city that you can count as your own and you can settle down. No more living out of a suitcase or handbag. When you are homeless, he will give you a home if you will let him. When you experience hunger and thirst, your Heavenly Father will satisfy what you must have nothing and no one else can or will do that.
In the Bible, redemption refers to someone who is responsible for restoring the rights of others and avenging their wrongs. Your Heavenly Father provided you with the only true redeemer, Jesus Christ, who is just like him. Redemption is his nature. He is not capable of being un-redemptive. Redemption is the lifelong process that involves being freed from your foe (Satan), and the bonds of the world and your pardoned past sins.
Our Heavenly Father is gracious and compassionate. He is committed to you all the days of your life. He never leaves you, for a short time or a long time. He is faithful to his covenant promises that are laced with compassion and grace.
The scene is set, your Heavenly Father is fully present. Let him put his strong, loving arms around you and whisper in your ear, “I have you, it’s okay.”
All because, you are loved!
This Psalm is packed with so many treasures regarding the journey of the Children of Israel and most importantly about the character of their loving God. The first verse captures the deep truth about who God is. He is good and his love endures forever.
It is sad to confess that for many decades in following Jesus and being a spiritual leader, I did not grasp the magnitude and depth of the goodness of God. I understood it intellectually and some experientially, but now having had my painful but redemptive journey, like Israel, I understand my Heavenly Father’s goodness as never before. It is true, sometimes you do not know how much you have until you are missing it.
So many followers of Christ that I know live in a place of relational poverty with their Heavenly Father. Not really knowing your Heavenly Father has great impact on knowing where you came from, who you are, and where you are going. This foundational truth is so essential to being rooted in love, peace and purpose. How can we give to others what we have not experienced? If one does not experience the peace and comfort God provides, how can it be modeled to a world of utter chaos? If one does not experience God’s loving purpose, life is riddled with discontentment and continual searching takes place. Who wants that?
The journey for relationship with a father can be very hard, maybe tortuous. Imagine a child old enough to understand what love looks like but not able to experience it. They are always on the outside looking in. It is like standing outside of a store window display; you know that you need what you see but you can’t actually possess it. It is one thing to know about your Heavenly Father’s goodness, it is another to experience it. He so wants you to know all who he is and all about his goodness.
My walk with God was radically altered when God allowed me to see, in my mind, a live video feed from him to me. I was in a place of great emotional stress battling some life challenges, when all of a sudden, I saw a picture of a father pulling his small son to himself with such love, gentleness and strength. The boy was crying because his world, as he knew it, was crashing. As the father gently drew him near and carefully wrapped his arms around him to held him close, he whispered in his ear, “it’s okay, it’s okay, you are going to be just fine.” As the young child heard those words and felt the tender and loving embrace of his father, his sobbing ceased, and peace took its place. He was finally at rest and content.
Your Heavenly Father wants to show you what a real father’s love is. This does not to imply that you did not have a good earthly father. Even if have had or do have one, God’s love is nothing compared to your Heavenly Father’s perfect love.
When we have wandered in desert wastelands and have no place to settle, God is reaching out his hand to lead you straight to a city that you can count as your own and you can settle down. No more living out of a suitcase or handbag. When you are homeless, he will give you a home if you will let him. When you experience hunger and thirst, your Heavenly Father will satisfy what you must have nothing and no one else can or will do that.
In the Bible, redemption refers to someone who is responsible for restoring the rights of others and avenging their wrongs. Your Heavenly Father provided you with the only true redeemer, Jesus Christ, who is just like him. Redemption is his nature. He is not capable of being un-redemptive. Redemption is the lifelong process that involves being freed from your foe (Satan), and the bonds of the world and your pardoned past sins.
Our Heavenly Father is gracious and compassionate. He is committed to you all the days of your life. He never leaves you, for a short time or a long time. He is faithful to his covenant promises that are laced with compassion and grace.
The scene is set, your Heavenly Father is fully present. Let him put his strong, loving arms around you and whisper in your ear, “I have you, it’s okay.”
All because, you are loved!
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