Pardoned and Joyful
The word pardon means “to pass without punishment or to allow. To forgive, to absolve from the consequence of a fault or crime.”
No matter how a person might work at being faultless or sinless, it cannot be accomplished even through the most sincere and diligent efforts. Mans only hope is the gift of new life found through a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He paid the penalty for our sins on a cross because we don’t have the ability.
2 Cor. 5:21 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness (right standing) of God.”
Every person needs mercy and grace extended to them. Mercy assumes the need on the part of him who is to receive it. Grace is the unmerited or undeserved favor extended to us from God. All of this because of His love for us!
I found the following quote from Allen Jackson Ministries. I thought it was very relevant and encouraging.
Rom. 4:7-8 (NLT) “Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin.
Some of us have made mistakes that we haven’t been able to forgive ourselves for. Words and images loop in our minds like a home video, a constant reminder of things we’ve said and done that we would like to forget but can’t. They trigger feelings of guilt and shame. They make us feel worthless and unlovable. This is the work of the devil, whose goal is to keep us chained in bondage and immobilized by defeat.
If you find yourself trapped in this bad home movie, remember that it is Jesus’ righteousness that bought your pardon, not your own. So, when those scenes start playing through your head, remind yourself that yes, that is who you used to be. But Jesus purchased your forgiveness on the cross, and your sins have not been only forgiven but forgotten. Think about it… your name is in God’s Book of Life – not because of anything you have done, but because of everything Jesus has done.” (Allen Jackson Ministries)
My friend do not let the enemy rob you of the truth regarding forgiveness and your freedom in Christ. Living in God’s love, mercy and grace give you the courage and ability to keep taking steps into your God given purpose. Push aside self-condemnation and embrace hope found only in Christ.
No matter how a person might work at being faultless or sinless, it cannot be accomplished even through the most sincere and diligent efforts. Mans only hope is the gift of new life found through a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He paid the penalty for our sins on a cross because we don’t have the ability.
2 Cor. 5:21 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness (right standing) of God.”
Every person needs mercy and grace extended to them. Mercy assumes the need on the part of him who is to receive it. Grace is the unmerited or undeserved favor extended to us from God. All of this because of His love for us!
I found the following quote from Allen Jackson Ministries. I thought it was very relevant and encouraging.
Rom. 4:7-8 (NLT) “Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin.
Some of us have made mistakes that we haven’t been able to forgive ourselves for. Words and images loop in our minds like a home video, a constant reminder of things we’ve said and done that we would like to forget but can’t. They trigger feelings of guilt and shame. They make us feel worthless and unlovable. This is the work of the devil, whose goal is to keep us chained in bondage and immobilized by defeat.
If you find yourself trapped in this bad home movie, remember that it is Jesus’ righteousness that bought your pardon, not your own. So, when those scenes start playing through your head, remind yourself that yes, that is who you used to be. But Jesus purchased your forgiveness on the cross, and your sins have not been only forgiven but forgotten. Think about it… your name is in God’s Book of Life – not because of anything you have done, but because of everything Jesus has done.” (Allen Jackson Ministries)
My friend do not let the enemy rob you of the truth regarding forgiveness and your freedom in Christ. Living in God’s love, mercy and grace give you the courage and ability to keep taking steps into your God given purpose. Push aside self-condemnation and embrace hope found only in Christ.
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He is the only hope we have!